...but not for Cillit Bang!!

Age 35

North Freetown

Joined on 2/11/06

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Posted by SHADOWFOX2 - December 10th, 2014

Hello hello, Shads here to announce that I am (and have always been) open for commissions of sorts!

I've been waiting a while to try to make some big neat organized presentation/announcement but people have let me know that there are too many people who do NOT know, and what better place to start broadcasting than here where I started?

I've got two methods for these commissions:

Option #1 is for those who are looking for either sounds, tracks, remixes, remakes, and everything in between and have the money to see their request done within up to a few months. This choice is usually for the longer term clients with projects like games, animations, I've had opening jingles for DJs, that kinda thing. Since these tend to range anywhere in the hundreds, my system has been to do this on a half now, half when we're finished basis. This way we're both invested in the project and unfortunate "*Excuse Here* Happened and I can't pay you so cancel" situation won't arise and I will not have wasted my time~~

Option #2 which I've come up with myself is an affordable method for people who really like a certain artist or musician but just can't pay them enough to get exactly what they want. It doesn't have a name yet but it's basically a pay up front, "I-do-how-much-you-pay" sort of deal. Based on your request, it will be put on a quality/duration scale. For example, $25 might get you anywhere between a solid 20 second loop or the sexiest 7 seconds you've ever heard in your life. This way, I can give anyone willing a small idea of what I'm capable of in case next time one might want to make a larger request. The favorite so far for this option has been ringtones, be it remixes or made from scratch, so think creative 'cause I've not a reason to set limits outside of the reasonable so far.

So yeah, I've got a Skype for any extra details, or you can throw me a PM here

Posted by SHADOWFOX2 - June 9th, 2012

"Looking for sprite animator's for indie game, specifically pixle artists, but
if that ain't your thing, give it a shot anyways!
You'll end up with money in your pocket so not much to lose eh?!
The game is going on the 360, so the sprites themselves can be animated in flash,
but will have to be exported in the graph like format, it's some crazy nonsense so
to get the full details and specs, add khawnerng on skype."


Posted by SHADOWFOX2 - July 10th, 2010

As most are aware, Robot Day is finally upon us, where I worked with a great handful of animators to come up with a musical collaboration of sorts deemed with the name 'Rageous 7

Also in addition to that, I also managed to squeak out some separate audio entries that include:
Cybertronic Excursion

Not ONLY that, but on the same day, my first album was released to the online public for all to enjoy
It can be found on The Backalleys
The album is called Bubble Gum
Bubble Gum was put together by myself and a friend who is half of the duo Reeverb Entertainment
It's basically a collection multiple experiments of funk and hip-hop to enjoy over this summer
The cover art for the album was made by lenkobiscuit and can be viewed here
Also it's free so check it out

Thanks for your time, and look out for some new tracks and stuff that I'll start submitting over the course of the year!

Edit: As of Friday, Nov 18th. I changed the album link to MegaUpload 'cause TheBackalleys underwent a forum redesign, breaking a lot of code which has yet to be fixed

Super Edit: As of whenever SOPA happened and MegaUpload dropped, I put it back on TBA where hopefully it will stay

Lots of stuff happenin' for me today!!

Posted by SHADOWFOX2 - December 30th, 2007

I can't delete this post, but I've realized a while ago that stuff sounds different depending on how you're listening to it.

Example: Headphones vs Computer Speakers
TV vs Car w/ Subwoofers

That is all...

Posted by SHADOWFOX2 - September 20th, 2007

Hey everyone! I don't do posts too much, but I just wanted everyone to know that my version of Popcorn's out =^_^= It didn't get submitted sooner 'cause I got all nervous at the end and was looking for any problems I could find before submitting...then they wouldn't let me put the music as Popcorn Remix like I'd wanted, so I put an underscore in it LOL. THEN right after I submitted it, I found the name I wanted to put it as...hahaha, well, I'll do better next time. Who knows, I might do a faster, techno/rave version of it...