Well this is random...
Well at least you have a beat I guess, but this is probably the most random "jazz" I've ever heard of...umm, that's it...
Well this is random...
Well at least you have a beat I guess, but this is probably the most random "jazz" I've ever heard of...umm, that's it...
Hmm, this one's kinda mysterious...
It's kinda like a good mansion beat like when the lights are dim, and you're just searching through stuff and lookin'. Nice beat though, I'm gonna have to download this...this is niiiiiiiice. It's very catchy...I'm 5'ing this one. You go man!
Very nice...
I like the opening...I can already feel the beat coming. This has to be an mp3 because the music's a little shaky, like an old movie or something. I like the sound effects though, they are pretty good. I like the flute, it's awesome. I like the way you faked me out in the middle of the song; I thought it was done...very impressive, the opening comes back in like the 2nd level of a video game...awesome, this is pretty darn cool...
...boy are you in the wrong category for this one.
A little short, but I can see the resemblence between the title and the music. Very calm though, not destructive; something my sister could do ballet dancing to...adn that's it. It's still a shame that at this time, you only have 3 downloads, but I can give you a god vote...
Wow, well, it's different...
The rumbling on the headphones is kind of ignoring...you may wanna turn down the bass boost just a litte...the drum there is kinda off too...that's just about it, there's nothing more to say...
Wow, this music's kinda depressing...
Did someone die? This clearly belongs in the Hip Hop category. This must either be before or after a gangsta shootout happens...(repetitive), there, I said it...oh, wait a minute, you put a little bit of change in there...I like that...well, that seems to be it, so that's all....oh yeah, I also heard the little voices you got goin' in the back...
Oh, now this one has an edge to it!!!
You're getting better I see. I'm not sure if you meant to make the violins all shaky or not, but they are, but the Hip Hop beat is just awesome; the best thing I've heard all night...once again, repetitive, but I guess it's your style, so I won't say much more to that. Well, good work!
Man, I like your style...
I like the way that your titles of your songs make perfect sense with your music. I really like that. I hate it when you like the music, but the song is something like Irreversible Metal or something...I dunno, once again, kinda repetitive, actually, it's the only thing I hear...well, this song and the last one are for the parts in the flashes when the narrator is explaining something...
This was another piece that was actually totally constructed from less than one second of one guitar in the introduction of a classic song. I was impressed I made something that could resemble a beat (thanks to the noise of the old classic that one second was chopped from).
This is remotely sweet...
It's like Hip Hop high society music...like rich people trying to get down...rich people breakin' down with their maids and butlers as the backup dancers...sweet...kinda repetitive, but the name of the song says it all, but what are you looking for? Now it kinda sounds like a detective remix...I dunno, but it's kinda catchy! Good work...
..are you sure that this is even Hip Hop?
You know, this sounds kinda like rock music to me...exactly what the heck is Didi Mow anyways? I can tell that you and maybe your band did this yourself, 'cause it does kinda gets off beat several times. Oh, you put the echo voice in the middle of the song, which actually makes the song harder to listen to...yeah, this would kinda make it a little hard to fit it in a flash, unless it's about something stupid...
...but not for Cillit Bang!!
Age 35
North Freetown
Joined on 2/11/06